August 22, 2007

On platforms: A marraige between social networks and online auctions!

Have been discovering the wonders of Facebook recently ( and am amazed by it's ability to serve as a platform. Case in point is Mosoma, an online auction application that sits on the underlying social network. My colleagues Arun Sundararajan (NYU Stern) and Alok Gupta (Carlson School, U Minnesota) conceptualized such a platform about a year ago, but being what we are - academics - never got around to implementing the theoretical idea. The key benefit of such a platform is that it uses social capital to build trust in otherwise anonymous e-markets.

This aspect is of particular importance in emerging markets such as China and India. Given eBay's struggles in China, and it's not exactly lighting it up here in India, innovative models such as Mosoma will mesh well with the Asian mindset.

Now, if only we can get Broadband penetration to grow at 1/10th of our mobile growth rate (in India:-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I am looking for an India-based business graduate student to help us with some library research. It would be a part-time job for several months beginning in January.

Do you know of any one we should speak with regarding this opportunity?

Thank you.

Sean Gallagher